How to design ID card in CorelDraw


How to design ID card in CorelDraw

Learn how to design ID card in CorelDraw. If you’ve been finding it difficult to design simple ID card before now, then this tutorial is especially for you. At the end of this tutorial, you will know how to create your own ID card using CorelDraw. In CorelDraw, there are no specific ways to start your design; like I mentioned in my previous tutorialtry to show creativity when designing anything in CorelDraw.

I always hear newbies say that they use Microsoft Word to make their ID card because of their inability to use CorelDraw. But The look on their faces indicates they are not satisfied with end results. When it comes to creative designs, Microsoft word is limited in their features because it was originally designed for typing and formatting text or document. Do you agree with me? But with your CorelDraw application installed on your system, you’re just good to go!

At the end of this tutorial, you’re expected to create something more unique, beautiful and mature. Let’s get started. Here’s a short video for you. You may watch it for ideas or continue reading if you don’t like it.

    How to design a simple ID card in Coreldraw

    1. Launch your CorelDraw application and create a new blank document.
    2. Use your Rectangular tool to make a rectangular box that fits the page. Use this size (2.165 X 3.583) inches
    3. Draw other rectangular boxes and arrange them as follows:

    how to design id card in coreldraw

    • The first box at the top is where to enter your company information. The logo, company name, phone numbers, E-mails & Website address (if you have one). You may give the box any colour of your choice from the colour swatch which is located at the right hand side of the work space.
    • The second box in the middle, is where your passport will be placed. Give it a white colour or any color for easy identification.
    • The third container should be given any colour of your choice. Remember that the staff name and position will be placed on this container.

    Importing your passport Photograph

    It’s time to import your passport that will be on the ID card. If you already have your passport photograph on your computer, Click File, then locate and click import from the list of options. Locate the picture you intend using for the ID card and select it and then click the import button and press enter on your keyboard. You can also do this by simply pressing Ctrl + I on your keyboard to open the window where to get your image.

    After importing, resize the image to fit the box you drew earlier for the passport.

    Power clipping the Image

    Let’s place the image inside the box. Click the imported image then, from the Menu bar, click Effects -> Power Clip -> Place inside Container. Use the thick arrow to click the box. This action helps you firmly place your photo inside the box. See the diagram below:

    how to design id card in coreldraw

    Type the company’s name; give it a good font style. I used Impact and 32 as the font size, you can adopt this features as well. As simple as it looks, also type and arrange the company’s contact address, Holder’s name and position and give them any colour of your choice.

    how to design id card in coreldraw

    If you’ve been following this tutorial from the start, Congratulations! you’ve now learnt how to design simple but creative ID card in CorelDraw.

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